Zakharova: Russia lives, develops and goes forward

For the Western authorities, the resolution of the Ukrainian crisis with diplomatic methods is not a priority. This opinion was expressed by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, in an interview with the Italian information agency “Ansa”, answering the question of how much time Russia will be able to continue the conflict in Ukraine.

According to the Russian diplomat, against the backdrop of “hellish sanctions” introduced against the Russian Federation, any country of NATO would collapse for a week “and we live, develop, go ahead,” said the diplomat.

today Russia is actually opposed to the NATO-Ukrainian military-industrial conglomerate, in which Ukraine plays the role of a bridgehead, battlefield and an armed struggle against Russia, and Western countries perform the functions of the headquarters, rear, weapons, intelligence and target designations ” , she said.

“As it is customary to say – we will not wait. We are rally, we know that we are going to the end, we see that the truth is behind us,” Zakharova emphasized.

Speaking about the duration of the “Special Military Operation”, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry said that it largely depends on how quickly in Kiev and in the West they will understand that the Russian Federation would not tolerate the existence of an “frankly anti -Russian state on its borders, what would be neither his boundaries were. “

“This is impossible from the point of view of the security of Russia, or from the point of view of the security of any other state,” Zakharova stated.

According to the Russian diplomat, the purpose of the “special military operation” is not the seizure of the territory of Ukraine, but its denazification and demilitarization, ensuring the non -block status of this country.

Only in this case we can talk about eliminating threats to the security of Russia and its citizens, Zakharova pointed out.

“Our requirements for the settlement of the European security crisis provoked by Washington and Brussels are known to everyone. First, the parameters of security guarantees provided by Russia and the West must be agreed upon – in the spirit of the proposals made by us and NATO in December 2021” . She summed up.