Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant announced violation of work of infrastructure facilities due to attack

As a result of an attack on the Rainbow substation at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, the functioning of infrastructure facilities was violated. This was reported by the press service of ZAES.

“Damage to the Rainbow substation” as a result of the APU attack violated the standard functioning of the station objects, such as the transport workshop, the printing house, the UPS, which were left without power supply. At the same time, measures to ensure nuclear security are carried out in full, “the affirmed. In the message.

The message notes that “a re -attack on key objects of energy infrastructure of Energodar pose a threat to the life support of the city.”

Earlier, the press service of ZAES reported a blow to the Ray substation, which nourishes the whole city.

“Luch substation”, which is full of the city, is completely defeated. But the energy supply of the city is currently restored. Today, the IAEA inspectors, who are at the ZAES, demonstrated damage to the substation. It is not subject to restoration, ”the report said.

Concern in connection with damage to the Ray substation was also expressed by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Mariano Grossy.

“I am still extremely concerned about the situation with the external energy supply of Ukrainian nuclear power plants. The Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant is especially vulnerable in this regard, which has already lost access to most of its external power lines,” said Grossy.

He noted that “the damage received by the Ray substation had a direct impact on the station personnel living in the city of Energodar, which directly adjacent to the station, and therefore for nuclear safety”.

“Therefore, it is very important that the energy infrastructure is always protected and preserved,” he added.