Zelensky said peace summit in Ukraine “first step” on way to cessation of war

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky called on world leaders with great political influence in their regions to promote the involvement of those leaders who still balance between Ukraine and Russia in the Switzerland summit. The Ukrainian leader said this at a press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris.

“First of all, their presence requires their presence (at the Mira summit). We need to not be afraid of the Russian Federation and support our inaugural summit. This is only the first step, but this is definitely a step towards the end of the war,” Zelensky said, whose words leads Interfax-Ukraine.

The President of Ukraine noted that “it is important that leaders who have a great political influence help attract other leaders who still balance between Ukraine and Russia.”

In addition, he emphasized that it is necessary to prevent Russia from destroying the world summit. “Do not give Russia the opportunity to build alternative sites,” Zelensky said.

The Presidents of Ukraine and France also signed financial assistance agreements to restore Ukrainian critical infrastructure.

“An agreement was signed on the fund of 200 million euros intended for those enterprises that will invest in the critical infrastructure of Ukraine for restoration. We also decided that 60 million euros from this fund will be dedicated to the energy sector and its priorities,” the president said France.

According to him, Paris expands the mandate of the French Development Agency to support projects in Ukraine at the local level.

Earlier, Macron said that Ukraine will receive Mirage 2000 combat aircraft from France as part of military assistance. A pilot preparation program will also be provided.

A peaceful summit in Ukraine will be held on June 15-16 in the Swiss Burgentok.